Bearitage Blog

The Wine Crowd vs. The Beer Crowd
Many consumers say they are utterly confused with wine terminology. I don’t blame them. Is there anything more uncomfortable than finding yourself in the presence of a party-going self-proclaimed fault finding wine critic?
“This wine sadly unravels from it’s mid-point to it’s disappointing angular almost piquant and unsustained finish.” Really? Thanks for harshening my buzz. I was enjoying it myself. Go away wine knocker.
I love good wine and I love good beer so I hang with both crowds. Never once I have heard such sniffle from a beer fancier. Not once. And make no mistake - beers are also distinct and diverse (like wine) with respect to their flavor profiles - unique aromas. Beer and wine both have a spice rack to enjoy.
I hate to say it, but I prefer hanging with the beer crowd - always content in their solitary enjoyment of their beverage of choice without the need to dissect the English language in order to explain it to others. Here’s an idea. If you like it, tell everybody. If you don’t, consider silence.

Musings from the Den
Take a guess how many people it takes to get a bottle of wine onto the store shelf, or on a wine list? Answer: Not exactly sure, but a whole bunch.
While finding wine is easy given the vast world-wide selection, it is usual to overlook the surprising array of people with their assorted skill sets necessary to achieve that single shelf or wine list placement.
The Team: Grape farmers, wine makers, chemists, marketers, distributors and their sales representatives, warehousing, shipping – collectively engaging the marketplace to land that one bottle of wine on the shelf in front of the consumer.
The reason to buy our wines is because they are excellent value wines. We are proud of that. Wherever you may buy our wines please know how much we appreciate your support, as does our extended family of trade partner brothers and sisters right down the line.